Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So, a week ago last friday, Carter got his cast off and there was much rejoicing in the Hardman house! I think that was definitely the longest 4 weeks of my life...but we survived..barely. :0)
Carter was a little freaked out by the saw that they used to cut it off, bless his little heart. But he loved that it came off and stretched out his little arm and fingers and looked at it in amazement. His cast and arm smelled like the stinkiest feet EVER!! It took a good two days of scrubbing before the stench was gone for good. I had to save the cast though, as smelly as it is, it is still so tiny and cute. I sealed it up in a ziploc baggie for safe keeping and no-smelling purposes. His arm healed perfectly and I am glad to have this little adventure over with. Hopefully this won't ever happen again! (I am keeping my fingers crossed).


Kim-the-girl said...

Hooray! I didn't ever hear what happened to cause the cast. But I'm sure it was a celebration to get it off! He is so cute!

The Coombs' said...

We'll keep our fingers crossed that is DOESN'T happen again...that cute little monkey!

Dave & Karissa Hardman said...

If you search through my earlier posts, there is a little explanation of that dreadful day. ;) Just in case you ever wanted to know...
love ya!

Dave & Karissa Hardman said...

Speaking of monkeys! K2K won't let me purchase that monkey costume until the 13th! I was so bummed...now I have to go line up with the rest of the frugal moms of northern Utah!!

kdance said...

Hey!!! I wish I had known sooner that you had a blog. I've been meaning to sit down and look at yours ever since you left a comment. So cute! I love "the hardman hive" with bees as your background.

How sad that Carter broke his little arm! Looks like he took it like a champ, though. How was taking him to Powell? Dave and I haven't gone with my fam for 3 years now because we lived in Iowa. I decided not to go when we moved back in June because Dave couldn't go, and I didn't want to take Evan. But, maybe I should have now that I saw that you took Carter. Were you a nervous wreck the whole time with all the water? Maybe I'll take Evan next year...

Dave & Karissa Hardman said...

So happy to see a comment from you! Hope you guys are doing well in Idaho. I bet it is really nice to be closer to family.
Taking Carter to Lake Powell was definitely an adventure. He had to live in his life jacket - that is essential. Make sure you are Dave both go if you want to take him next year. It is a lot easier when you can tag team watching him every second. But Carter loved it! He loved the sand and rocks especially.
Hope you guys are well and loving things in Idaho! We'll have to keep chatting!

Kenzie said...

hey!! I hope you don't mind, I found your blog-- you should visit ours sometime!! It is really cute.

Crystal Valentine Garner said...

I am so glad your little monkey got his cast off! Yah!!!
I am back from my trip to VA and am so happy to be back with Gabby-I don't ever want to be away from her for 5 days again!! WE need to get together soon. Up for a trip to the zoo or Wheeler farm one of these lovely fall days?
Love yer guts!!

Dave & Karissa Hardman said...

Crystal - I am glad you're back! I would love to come down your way for some fun. I will look at my calendar and coordinate
a day to come & play!
love ya!